Key note categories and examples for tech issues
Slow launch speed
This is an example note
I took this note when I needed to improve the launch speed of the desktop app for Inkdrop.
Loading modules is still slow
Loading browser-main.js
already takes 210ms..
β Preload packages
requires main scripts, that causes slowing down.
- Commit:
Pre-loading package can defer running the main script.
π€ some modules are huge
:- Sometimes it takes 19ms
- 4ms
- 1.3ms - 4ms
- 2.5ms - 5ms
- Convert CSON to JSON. Do not use YAML by default.
If I could remove all the loading times, it would make the app 70ms faster to launch.
Maybe Bugsnag can be removed:
- Bugsnag (13ms)
- Defer loading bugsnag
- It is required in many files
- rimraf takes 10ms (required by @craftzdog/fs-plus)
β note-list-item-summary-view requires remark!
β Modules are not code-splitted
Changed module
in tsconfig.json
like so:
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "esnext" /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', or 'ESNext'. */,
ok, it works
Improve the main process loading speed
electron --inspect-brk=5858 your/app
- Open chrome://inspect.
- Click the
Open dedicated DevTools for Node
The migration util should defer loading remark until necessary
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